@extends('layouts.masterLayout.app') @section('content')
@if ($message = Session::get('message'))
{{ $message }}

Players list

Add Player
Player Type @if ($player->adult == 'true') Young Player @else Simple Player @endif
Profile Image
Name {{ $player->user->name }}
Email {{ $player->user->email }}
Date of Birth {{ $player->user->dob }}
ID number {{ $player->user->cnic_no }}
Nationality {{ $player->nationality }}
Address {{ $player->national_address }}
City {{ $player->city }}
ID number {{ $player->user->cnic_no }}
Languages @if (is_array(Json_decode($player->languages))) @foreach (Json_decode($player->languages) as $item) {{ $item }} @endforeach @else @foreach (explode(',', $player->languages) as $item) {{ $item }} @endforeach @endif
Sports @if (is_array(Json_decode($player->favourite_sports))) @foreach (Json_decode($player->favourite_sports) as $item) {{ $item }} @endforeach @else @foreach (explode(',', $player->favourite_sports) as $item) {{ $item }} @endforeach @endif
Guardian name {{ $player->gardian_name }}
Guardian relation {{ $player->gardian_relation }}
Guardian mobile {{ $player->gardian_mobile }}
Guardian Address {{ $player->gardian_address }}
Guardian city {{ $player->gardian_city }}
Guardian Email {{ $player->gardian_email }}
Doctor name {{ $player->doctor_name }}
Doctor Mobile {{ $player->doctor_mobile }}
Emergency person name {{ $player->emg_person_name }}
Emergency person Contact Number {{ $player->emg_person_mobile }}
Emergency person relation {{ $player->emg_person_relation }}
?Is the player able to approve on medical treatment on behalf of him self {{ $player->aprove_on_medical_treatment }}
Disability Type {{ $player->disability_type }}
Linguistic needs {{ $player->linguistic_needs }}
Medical status {{ $player->Medical_status }}
Educational status {{ $player->educational_status }}
Phycological status {{ $player->phycological_status }}
Player strength points {{ $player->player_strength_points }}
Player weakness points {{ $player->player_weakness_points }}
Is player has diet system? {{ $player->diet_system }}
Any Other Information? {{ $player->other_information }}
Is player has diet system? {{ $player->diet_system }}
Is the player has disability or mental disability? {{ $player->mently_disable }}
Is the player need a push chair to move? {{ $player->chair }}
Tsirt Size {{ $player->tshirt_size }}
medical certificates @if (is_array(Json_decode($player->medical_certificate))) @foreach (json_decode($player->medical_certificate) as $key => $item) {{ $item }} @endforeach @endif
disability certificates @if (is_array(Json_decode($player->disability_certificate))) @foreach (json_decode($player->disability_certificate) as $key => $item) {{ $item }} @endforeach @endif